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[:de]#ABoysMind #Codeless #darksideEP #masterpiece #loslassen #newgrunge[:en]#Codeless #aboysmind #music #grunge #newgrunge #masterpiece #hamburg #hamburgmusic #notimeforstrangeones #lightson #thereisnohope [:]

A Boy’s Mind ist – als Teil der darkside ep – einer meiner absoluten Favoriten unter unseren Codeless-Songs. Trotz einer Abspielzeit von stolzen 6:37 Minuten, kommt beim hören keine Langeweile auf. Die wechselnde Dynamik im Song findet schließlich mit Hilfe der wunderschönen Bridge ihren Höhepunkt. Obwohl Text und Melodie des Gesangs nicht aus meiner Feder stammen, habe ich sie von Anfang an geliebt – insbesondere aber die ausladende Gesangsmelodie im Choros. Loslassen und genießen!

#Codeless #aboysmind #music #grunge #newgrunge #masterpiece #hamburg #hamburgmusic #notimeforstrangeones #lightson #thereisnohope

Archive, Introducing, Music, News/Blog

#Codeless #conqueringhome #fullalbum #music #hamburg #forfree #soundlcoud

In the last weeks i introduced some songs of my first album, which i recorded with my first rockband named Codeless. You’ll find one more track – the hiddentrack – on that album called -0°C. For the first time in history, Mumble Made proudly presents Conquering Home via soundcloud onlinestream. Enjoy listening to the whole tracklist of the album for free here:

For more information about Codeless visit

#Codeless #conqueringhome #fullalbum #music #hamburg #forfree #soundlcoud

Archive, Music, News/Blog

#Codeless #JustOneShot #music #newgrunge #greeneyes #youwillbemine #stolenlove

[:de]…Suddenly loud music sounded like a wall, it hits me like a shot. I felt the pressure in my guts and fell down on the ground. Not able to move anymore, i knew they were coming again…pictures, imaginations, old stories. The past wasn’t my friend yet. And as i wait for them i listened to the noisy soundwall of music. Sunddenly it came clear into my mind, this was all about a kiss.

#Codeless #JustOneShot #music #newgrunge #greeneyes #youwillbemine #stolenlove[:en]…Suddenly loud music sounded like a wall, it hits me like a shot. I felt the pressure in my guts and fell down on the ground. Not able to move anymore, i knew they were coming again…pictures, imaginations, old stories. The past wasn’t my friend yet. And as i wait for them i listened to the noisy soundwall of music. Sunddenly it came clear into my mind, this was all about a kiss.

#Codeless #JustOneShot #music #newgrunge #greeneyes #youwillbemine #stolenlove[:]

Archive, Music, News/Blog, www

#Codeless #IntoTheOcean #grunge #wheredowego #lovetoshare #wewontsurvivethis

After my trip through dimensions i arrived at a beach of another world. I played with the waves and buried my feet in the sand looking to the horizon…but still i can only think of you. Whenever i fall away from you, would you notice if i do? We got a love to share, but i will not answer the phone. Into the ocean is where we go.

#Codeless #IntoTheOcean #grunge #wheredowego #lovetoshare #wewontsurvivethis #music
